Selected Presentations


Ethnographie und Diskursanalyse. Workshop at Late Summer School „Die politische Dimension rassismuskritischer Forschung“, Universität Bielefeld, 08.12.2023

The Abject at School. Precarious Subjectivation in the Context of Migration Societies [Das Abject in der Schule. Prekäre Subjektivierung in migrationsgesellschaftlichen Verhältnissen]. Presentation at the International Conference„Diversity and Difference. Studies in Subjectivation“, CAU Kiel, 29.09.2023

Indigenous Knowledge and Planetary Research. International Conference “The Significance of Indigenous Theories for Educational Studies in Europe”, PH Freiburg, 22.09.2023 (with J. Engel)


Becoming Planetary – Social Upheavals and the Need for new Understandings of Educational Science? International Conference “Becoming Planetary as a Challenge. Universality, Diversity and Particularity.” Goethe-University Frankfurt, 08.10.2022 (with Juliane Engel)

Persistence of the Crisis? (Experiences of) Racism and Resistance. [Persistenz der Krise? Rassismus(erfahrungen) und Widerstand]. Joint conference of the Commission for Qualitative Educational and Biographical Research and of the Adult Education Section, German Research Association, German Educational Research Association, Europa-University Flensburg, 15.09.2022 (with M. Hinrichsen)

How can “the new” emerge through re-using data in ethnographic research processes? International Ethnography Conference “What’s new? Innovation and Transformation in Educational Ethnographic Research”, Europa-University Flensburg, 17.06.2022 (with M. Silkenbeumer)

School (Cultures) and Transnationalization. Discrimination-Critical Perspectives on the Demarcation of School Boundaries Schul(kultur)en und Transnationalisierung. [Diskriminierungskritische Perspektiven auf schulische Grenzziehungen.] Lecture series “Transnationalisierung in Schule und Bildung“, Goethe University Frankfurt, 24.05.2022 (with M. David-Erb & M. Hinrichsen)

Racialized Subjects? Invocations and Resistance at the School Site of Discourse Production [Rassifizierte Subjekte? Anrufungen und Widerstände am schulischen Ort der Diskursproduktion.]. Congress of German Educational Research Association 2022, Bremen [online],16.03.2022

Intersubjective Comprehensibility in Secondary Data Analyses. [Intersubjektive Nachvollziehbarkeit bei Sekundärdatenanalysen]. Workshop at Winter School Open Science/Open Scholarship, University of Tübingen, [online], 14.02.2022 [with M. Silkenbeumer]


Visible Resistance. Narrative Identities and the Articulation of Experiences of Racism via Social Media. ECER 2021, Geneva, 08.09.2021 (with M. Hinrichsen)

Discriminated Subjects? Biographical Articulations of Resistance via Social Media and their Life-Historical Contextualization. [Diskriminierte Subjekte? Biographische Widerstandsartikulationen via Social Media und ihre lebensgeschichtliche Kontextualisierung.] Joint Conference of the Austrian and the German Society of Sociology “Post-Corona-Gesellschaft? Pandemie, Krisen und ihre Folgen”, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, 23.08.2021 (with M. Hinrichsen)


On the Interweaving of Discourses and Subjects. Heuristic Reflections on the Analysis of Discursive Practices of the Production of 'Race' and 'Ethnicity' in US-American High schools. [Zur Verwobenheit von Diskursen und Subjekten. Heuristische Überlegungen zur Analyse diskursiver Praktiken der Produktion von ,race’ und ,ethnicity’ an US-amerikanischen Highschools.] Conference „Theoretische, methodologische und konzeptionelle Aspekte erziehungswissenschaftlicher Migrationsforschung – aktuelle Qualifikationsprojekte“, Division for Intercultural and International Comparative Educational Research of the DGfE (SIIVE), Wuppertal University, 20.02.2019


Thematization of (Flight) Migration in German and US-American schools. Case-Related Perspectives on Schools in the Migration Society [Thematisierung von (Flucht-)Migration an deutschen und US-amerikanischen Schulen. Fallbezogene Perspektiven auf Schule in der Migrationsgesellschaft.] International Conference „Failing identities, schools and migrations. Teaching in (trans-)national constellations“, University of Bremen, 28.10.2018 (with D. Schwendowius)

Discrimination as a (Global) Challenge for Schools in Germany and the USA – Comparative Observations. [Diskriminierungsverhältnisse als (globale) Herausforderung für Schulen in Deutschland und den USA – vergleichende Betrachtungen.] Annual Conference of the Commission for School Research and Didactics, Section for School Pedagogy of the DGfE, Europa-University Flensburg, 11.09.2018 (with D. Schwendowius)

School Culture in between. Migration Society Change and School Cultural Transformation Potentials in a German-American Comparison [Schulkultur in between. Migrationsgesellschaftlicher Wandel und schulkulturelle Transformationspotenziale im deutsch-amerikanischen Vergleich], Symposium at the 26th DGfE Conference “Movements“: University Duisburg-Essen, 20.3.2018 (with D. Schwendowius)


Does Culture matter? Qualitative Educational Research within the Field of Internationalization. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Copenhagen (Denmark), 25.08.2017 (with M. Hummrich)

Dealing with differences in schools in Germany and the USA. Comparative Perspectives. Lecture at Penn State University, Pennsylvania (USA), 07.04.2017 (with M. Hummrich & D. Schwendowius)

Qualitative Mehrebenenanalyse und Kulturvergleich. Conference „Fachkräfte und Eltern in Kindertagesstätten. Zur Relevanz von Differenzierungen nach Geschlecht, sozialer Herkunft und natio-ethno-kultureller Zugehörigkeit“, Europa-University Flensburg, 03.06.2016 (together with M. Hummrich)